August 2021

Are you a ‘morning person’? Do you wake-up each day, excited and energetic about your day? Many of us are not that chipper in the morning without several cups of coffee. *SIDE NOTE* I do not drink coffee. I am also not a chipper morning person. I wake-up and move…but more on that in a sec. How does one wake […]

When following a prescribed meal plan or specific diet, one of the largest obstacles to overcome can be the constant feeling of hunger. This hunger has you focusing on food all day! I think many of us would agree that if you could remain satiated throughout the day, while still releasing fat, it would be much easier to stay on

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Struggling to turn your brain ‘off’ at night? Do you lay in bed, unable to stop thinking about life, your day, the crazy driver who cut you off in traffic this morning, what you need to do tomorrow, and how you are going to do it? We all know that sleep is an important part of being in shape and

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