When you were younger, did you believe that once you finished college, you would find the job of your dreams and live happily ever after? Did you discover, through the grueling hours of schoolwork and ruinous student loan debt, that you found happiness in a job that probably isn’t related to your degree? Sometimes we get things backwards, and discover […]
September 2021
I believe many of us are familiar with the recommendations for living a healthy life. They go something like this: Eat well Get ‘enough’ sleep Engage in physical activity daily (or multiple times weekly) Self-care Sounds simple, right? Then why are so many people unhealthy? A huge reason is that life gets in the way. We have careers, families, responsibilities,
Do you “go” every day? You should. I lean towards being a natural practitioner with a focus on prevention and healing, so I’m always curious about what the body is telling us before illness manifests. Not being able to move your bowels for one day is nothing to worry about. Two days of constipation is uncomfortable, but not terrible. By