Woman eating sugar cubes

8 Ways to Stop Sugar Addiction

Are you addicted to sugar? If so, you are far from alone in this battle. It is well-known that most people crave either sugar or salt. We also know that anything in excess is bad for you.

The thing that most people do not know is sugar is a silent killer. According to researchers, at University of California San Francisco, “sugar contributed to 35 million deaths globally each year1.” What does that mean in context?

Sugar should be considered a toxic substance just like alcohol and tobacco. It is one of the leading contributors in obesity, diabetes, dementia, hypo and hyperglycemia, heart disease, and feeding tumors. Scared yet? Well, you should be.

Craving sugar is a real challenge people face today. It is an addiction, and it is so easy to fall off that wagon. To help you conquer this craving, I have eight game changers to help you decrease your sugar intake.

Crush Your Craving

  1. Eat more low-glycemic index foods (low sugar)
  2. Eat more frequently (honor your hunger scale)
  3. Eat good fats and increase fiber (good fats taste full and rich, easily taking the place of sugars)
  4. Take an L-Glutamine supplement – it not only helps with muscle recovery after a workout, but is known to fight sugar cravings

*Chromium will also help balance out blood sugar levels and reduce cravings*

Post-Meal Mindset Movers

  1. Do not keep desserts in the house. Remember, out of sight, out of mind (Knowing and being real with your limitations is key).
  2. Do not bring sugar into the house. Substitute with raw honey or stevia instead. Depending on your addiction to sugar, you may want to stick with stevia and slowly add honey in after you have kicked your addiction.
  3. Instead of going right into a dessert after a meal, drink a warm cup of peppermint tea first. This is a game changer because mint tea feels like you have brushed your teeth, and nothing really tastes good after that.
  4. Floss and brush your teeth immediately after a meal – you will not want to eat anything after. If you cannot brush, flossing is easy and portable – make sure it is mint flavored.

Bonus: Move well daily, no surprise here. However, here is a big distinction that people get wrong: long distance cardio will INCREASE cravings. Make sure your movement consists of resistance training or interval cardio. Even yoga or Pilates will help you win your war with sugar.

Secret Weapon: Add apple cider vinegar (ACV) to your water and/or salads. I drink mine straight, but you do not have to.

Check the labels of the products you are eating. DO NOT eat anything with more than 9 grams of ADDED sugar. Comment below to tell me what foods surprised you and which foods you cannot go without yet.

Want to collaborate with a coach who can help you figure out which foods you need for your body? Click here to schedule an introductory call with me!

  1. Kearns CE, Schmidt LA, Glantz SA. Sugar Industry and Coronary Heart Disease Research: A Historical Analysis of Internal Industry Documents. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(11):1680–1685. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.5394

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