Big Confidence

When you were younger, did you believe that once you finished college, you would find the job of your dreams and live happily ever after?

Did you discover, through the grueling hours of schoolwork and ruinous student loan debt, that you found happiness in a job that probably isn’t related to your degree?

Sometimes we get things backwards, and discover that we need to do B before we can have A.

Here’s a prevailing mindset that needs a massive reversal – and it goes something like this:

“When I’m ready, then I’ll start”

Or any variation of that way of thinking. It’s backwards and counterproductive.

Have you ever had thoughts like these?

  • Once I get enough certifications, then I will be an expert
  • Once I finish creating my perfect website, then I will go find customers
  • Once I lose ____ pounds, then I’ll be ready/sexy/happy
  • Once I’m ready, I will start

And it goes on and on.

It is a poor way to think because you constantly sabotage your confidence in yourself. In this way of thinking, you will NEVER be ready, so you will NEVER start.

To grow and evolve your self-confidence, you must act with courage consistently. What does it mean to act with courage? To act with courage means to start BEFORE you are ready; to ACT on your ideas and proactively pursue your passions – even in the face of failure, rejection, or fear.

How do we do this? Combine a noun with a verb. No, this isn’t a grammar lesson, this is being your most authentic self through small acts of courage.

Courage = noun. Acts = verb.

Tiny, authentic actions towards your desires = Acts of Courage (AoCs).

AoCs are standing up for your beliefs, out loud, in front of anyone who needs to hear you take that stand. An AoC is acting on your avidity and engenders your intuition into reality.

Acts of Courage are any time you honestly and vocally, tell your truth, or make bold moves outside your comfort zone towards your dreams. Examples of AoCs are:

  • Starting a YouTube channel
  • Sending that email to a potential client or investor
  • Starting your online business
  • Writing a book proposal
  • Telling your mom/dad/relative that you WILL NOT stay at their house when you come to visit
  • Not waiting for permission anymore

The courage to be yourself, through action and words, leads you to a deeply rooted self-confidence that was not available before.

Maybe in the past you filtered yourself. Maybe you softened your words or made yourself smaller or dimmer. You went with the flow or moved with the crowd. You bent with the wind until it nearly broke you.

From experience, once you make these small acts of courage, you will have a growing sense of authentic poise that wasn’t available before.

Get a few AoCs under your belt and you will find a settled confidence that is unquestionable. It is authentically you.

It is through the small acts of courage when you finally feel yourself. You have trusted yourself, believed in your dreams, and finally acted on your own behalf.

Then you feel like you’ve earned the self-worth and confidence that you’ve always searched for.

So dear reader, tell me:

How will you courageously take a step towards your authenticity today?

What is your courageous act?

What are you waiting for?

A couple of steps to make it real and set things in motion:

  1. Comment below and tell me your AoCs
  2. Schedule a Clarity Call for 1:1 Coaching with me here

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