Bowel movements are important

Do you “go” every day? You should.

I lean towards being a natural practitioner with a focus on prevention and healing, so I’m always curious about what the body is telling us before illness manifests.

Not being able to move your bowels for one day is nothing to worry about. Two days of constipation is uncomfortable, but not terrible. By day three, if you have not had a bowel movement, it’s time to be concerned. If this happens chronically, you should be very concerned!

Chronic constipation can increase your risk of many diseases and conditions including:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Colitis
  • Anal fissure
  • Impacted colon
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Indigestion
  • Bad breath
  • Urologic disorders
  • Hypertension
  • And more serious conditions like cancer

Not being able to move your bowels for 3-5 days in a row, or a full week (7 days) is a HUGE red flag that something is wrong in the body.

This indicates that the detoxification organs, lymphatic system, and natural bodily processes are not working optimally. If the body cannot eliminate toxins and waste in a timely manner, it can congest the system, and/or get reabsorbed back into the body, creating the perfect environment for disease to develop.

What about laxatives? They are good for immediate relief, but they do not address the deeper danger that is potentially going on inside the body contributing to a backup of waste.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • What is happening with the liver and gallbladder?
    • We need bile for smooth bowel movements – are the bile ducts congested or infected?
  • What’s going on with the lymphatic system?
    • The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins and impurities from the cells and disposing of them through perspiration, bowel movements, and urine.
  • What’s going on emotionally?
    • Is there an inability to let go of that which no longer serves you? This is often overlooked but is essential to being able to release waste/garbage.


You could be suffering from constipation even if you are having bowel movements daily, BUT the stool is lumpy, hard to pass, or your bowel doesn’t feel like it fully empties, or if the stool looks like round balls kind of like rabbit or deer pellets. (Refer to the Bristol Stool Chart below):

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Nice, right? You’re welcome.

Start now, with the prevention of diseases by keeping toxins and waste moving out of your system in a timely manner.

Here are three easy steps to promote normal daily bowel movements:

Water – The Lubricator

You’ve heard this advice for years – drink water!

The main function of the large intestine is to absorb water and remove waste from the body.

If you are not drinking enough water or dehydrated, the stool will sit for a longer period.

Water lubricates your cells, supports your lymphatic system, and clears waste. Drink more water!

Fiber – Soluble and Insoluble

Another piece of advice you’ve heard for years – eat more fiber!! However, if you only eat one type, it could contribute to constipation!

We need both soluble and insoluble fiber for smooth bowel movements.

The soluble fiber found in oat bran, wheat bran, barley, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds, creates mucilage or gel-like substance that softens stool to help move it easily through your system.

Insoluble fiber, found in many fruits and vegetables (and again in grains and beans) creates bulk that pushes waste out of the digestive system.

Exercise and Movement

Anytime you can get your body moving, move it!

Movement doesn’t have to be complicated or extensive – a simple walk will work wonders. (Alliterations are the spice of life!!)

Walking stimulates peristalsis – the contraction of the muscles in the intestines that helps move feces down and out of your body.

The value in a brisk daily walk by far surpasses what we have been taught or conditioned to believe. Brisk walking and/or aerobic exercise moves the lymphatic system that clears debris and waste from the cells, and you need that to move bowels.

The 3 simple steps above are easy things you can do right now to support your colon.

One final thing to consider: according to ancient healing, the colon is connected to our ability to release and let go, literally. Some questions to consider if you are feeling backed up:

  • Am I holding on tightly to something I need to release (job, relationship, a way of being in the world)?
  • Do I need to release anger and resentment toward my family?
  • Where is my life cluttered or congested?

This is a good place to begin to get waste moving out of your colon and out of your life.

Wishing you many easy poops on your journey to wellness!!

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