
People often say “everything in moderation” to validate someone’s indulgence into some vice or other. For instance, your daily Starbucks habit, eating fries from McDonald’s once a week, smoking cigarettes but ‘only when I drink,’ etc. Sure, you may only do these things on certain days in certain circumstances, you have been exposed to a massive amount of other toxic […]

Losing a lot of weight is a notable accomplishment, not to mention, it translates to a healthier lifestyle. If you have lost weight or are looking to lose weight, one of your concerns may be loose skin. Like excess weight, sagging skin can be just as frustrating and have an impact on your self-esteem. Fortunately, there are ways to tighten

Do you “go” every day? You should. I lean towards being a natural practitioner with a focus on prevention and healing, so I’m always curious about what the body is telling us before illness manifests. Not being able to move your bowels for one day is nothing to worry about. Two days of constipation is uncomfortable, but not terrible. By

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Struggling to turn your brain ‘off’ at night? Do you lay in bed, unable to stop thinking about life, your day, the crazy driver who cut you off in traffic this morning, what you need to do tomorrow, and how you are going to do it? We all know that sleep is an important part of being in shape and

Tell me if this sounds familiar. You eat something that probably is not good for you or on your meal plan and you say to yourself “it’s okay, I’ll go to the gym and burn it off later”. Many of us have probably experienced this internal dialog at some point. Here is a harsh truth: “You can’t out-train a bad

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