
Dealing with Anxiousness – Part 3

Here is another beautiful quote:

“Realize that NOW, in this moment, you have more than enough. It’s okay to have dreams, it’s okay to aspire to grow, to learn, to evolve, and to achieve big things.” ~Luminita D. Saviuc

To recap, in Part One I discussed how to interrupt the habit by being mindful. In Part Two, I discussed affirming a different narrative. Let us move on to the third part of the series on dealing with anxiousness. This time, I want to talk about celebrating the wins.

Here is Part Three of Three ways to help calm your anxious thoughts.

Celebrate the Wins

An effective way to prevent anxious thoughts from arising is to give yourself more credit. We are exactly where we need to be, and everything is perfect the way it is right now. When I started to look for the good in myself and my current situation, I became at ease. I also realized that there were a lot more things to be grateful for. That is when journaling reentered my daily routine. For many years, I have journaled my thoughts. Sometimes on public (internet-based journals) mediums but most often in private. Journaling allowed me to take ideas (both good and bad) from my headspace and give me clarity of thought and presence of mind.

Look at the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. You could write about how proud of yourself you are for the way you managed a situation or the way you communicated your feelings to someone. Whether it is something that is considered big or small, celebrate the wins.

Acknowledge the accomplishments that make you proud and that are meaningful to you. This will help you notice that you are on the right path and make you less prone to worrying about the future. When I began this path to entrepreneurship, I journaled multiple times a day some days. I was filled with worry and doubt and unable to bet on myself. Journaling allowed me space to view me in a healthy and positive manner. I celebrated every win, from getting out of bed without hitting snooze, to completing a chapter in a book to watching a podcast series on growth mindset. Any step in the direction that aligned with my goals was a win to be celebrated.

After a couple of months of mindfulness, affirmations, and journaling, I have seen tremendous change in my life, especially in my career. I am more optimistic, happy, and confident that I have ever been. I was able to start my own wellness business without getting overwhelmed by anxious thoughts. I realize now that experiencing and finding ways to overcome this pattern had to be a part of my journey to find what I was truly enthusiastic about.

Everything happens for a reason!

Therefore, do not forget to be easy on yourself. These patterns will not disappear in one day; however, it will get better every time you practice one of the techniques I shared. Take it moment by moment!

Want to work with a wellness coach who can help you deal with your anxiety? Schedule a call with me now! Limited slots available!!

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