Intentional Wellness

“Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

– The World Health Organization.

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life. It is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.

But what about when you are well?

How does one support this wellness?

I want to suggest something: the conscious movement towards wellness and away from a focus on illness.

Wellness is the conscious development of the whole self. Embarking on a wellness journey is process of searching for the appropriate “tools” to make you a healthier and happier human being, plus discovering your own effective methods to use these “tools” for continued growth and development.

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying “The most important question you will ever ask yourself is whether this is or is not a friendly universe.” Einstein believed that your answer to this question would in fact be one of the most important decisions you would ever make. The reason it is so important is summed up in another of his famous quotations; “You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that existed when it was created.

Let me explain.

Our deeply held BELIEFS about something will determine which actions we will consistently take or avoid regarding that thing, and those actions or inactions will in turn determine the circumstances we will find ourselves in. So, your determination of whether we live in a friendly or hostile world will influence your actions in the world and bring about the circumstances of your life.

So, what does this mean to us and our wellness?

What I have learned is that we can only focus on what we can control. The good news is that we can control the most important thing in our lives, our thoughts. Our thoughts have the potential to influence our overall health.

How do we develop, support, and even expand a wellness mentality? Three things are necessary.

  • A clearly defined WHY – knowing your why, can help you focus on the growth needed to get the tasks to that why accomplished.
  • A deliberate focus on moving TOWARD what you want, as opposed to trying to move away from what you don’t want.
  • A healthy lifestyle that allows your body to function properly, heal, and continue growing.

Wellness requires primarily positive perspectives and values by which to live. It also requires a keen sense of purpose and conscious, deliberate action.

To sum it up…

Often we think of our wellness when we are feeling unwell or ill. I encourage you to think positive and embrace your personal wellness.

A well person owns up to his or her responsibility for health and happiness and does not allow others to take control over decisions he/she needs to make for him/herself.

I passionately believe growing in your personal health and wellness opens the door for growth everywhere else in your life. When you feel good and treat yourself well, amazing things begin to happen. There are no rules, no restrictions, nothing holding you back. You can grow in anything.

Where do you want to start?

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