My First Post

Welcome to the launch of my new website and my first published blog post! My name is Anthony Williams of Live Fit Nation and Go Hard Fitness and I am excited to share with you MORE of what I have to offer! The number of ideas, how-to’s, motivations, inspirations, and information whirling around my head is ready to jump out. I wanted to start by telling you why I created this blog and what you can expect to see (and not see) in my posts.

Why I started my blog

Since I became a certified personal trainer in 2013, I have openly shared health and fitness related information on my social media platforms. Many people asked when I would start a blog or YouTube channel, or something specifically dedicated to sharing the wealth of information about health and fitness. Well, I finally decided to do it. The launch of the Live Fit Nation website is also the launch of my blog!

What you can expect to see in my posts

Facts, opinions, thought shares, nutritional information, fitness/workout information, motivational ideas, lifestyle enhancements, habit forming and breaking, wellness, self-love (I think you are starting to get the point). I will NOT discuss politics, finance, sports, gossip, etc. My choice not to, your choice not to read. Now let us continue.

This is not my first blog; I blogged many years ago and ran two online journals. However, this is the first time I am writing a blog with the INTENT to have the posts viewed and open for comments and feedback. Please bear with me as I find my blogging “voice”. I am a perfectionist, but I am not perfect. If I make a mistake, provide incorrect information, make typos or grammatical errors, or whatever – please feel free to let me know and I will make corrections where needed.

Thank you for being here and joining me on this ride. Take your shoes off and get comfortable.

Want me to address a specific topic? Drop me a comment below or contact me here.

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