My Journey


Hello There!

To everyone new here, I want to introduce myself.  My name is Anthony Williams and I am a wellness coach, nutritionist, and personal trainer. I have a huge passion for helping people uncover their own inner strengths and convictions and harness them to build bold lives that are guided by passion and clarity.

My purpose is to impart empowering knowledge and guidance to have a positive impact on the health and wellness of everyone.

about me


Wellness Objectives

my story


I have never been overweight or critically unhealthy. I can relate because I have been over-pained, over-feared, over-doubted, and overwhelmed. I know what it is to struggle with wanting to change and not feeling as if you deserve the life you want, or to feel that you are not good enough to change. I know what it is to feel unhappy in your body or dissatisfied with your lifestyle.

Like many people, I entered the health and fitness world very wrongly. I followed various dieting tips and overworked my body using workout programs I found in magazines. Predictably, my results were largely disappointing. I did not feel my best and I was far from my goals. I started doing more research and reading more books based on science and practicality and less on anecdotal data and personal experiences.

As I learned more and educated myself, the more interested I became in knowing and learning about health and wellness. I became increasingly interested in lifestyle habits and behavior modification to achieve optimal well-being.  I made the decision to fully commit to an overall healthier lifestyle that included a complete overhaul of my ‘habits’.

I put in the work to break harmful habits and create new positive behaviors that supported my goals. I want to help others do the same!

So no, I do not relate to being overweight or unhealthy, but I do relate to not loving one’s self. Enablers come in many forms: work, person on the other side of the relationship, self-doubt and judgment, etc. We must first work to unravel the drivers of our unhappiness to achieve our desired state of existence.  What began as a passion for me became a passion to help other people achieve amazing results and live the life they desire.

Anthony studying and taking notes from text.
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