Wake up with energy

Are you a ‘morning person’? Do you wake-up each day, excited and energetic about your day? Many of us are not that chipper in the morning without several cups of coffee.

*SIDE NOTE* I do not drink coffee. I am also not a chipper morning person. I wake-up and move…but more on that in a sec.

How does one wake up with energy?

Here’s my super deep and introspective response: Rise with a Reason

Nice, right?

Ok, it sounds good, but what does it mean? I get it, sometimes the bed monster has ahold of you and the snooze button is talking trash, so you have to smack it a few (dozen) times. Yeah…

I saw a statistic that said something like 80% of people HATE their jobs. That’s mind-blowing! If you hate your job and that’s what you must do when you wake up, no wonder people don’t wake up with energy. So quit your job and start doing what you love now, right?


How about you keep your job (that you don’t love) because you have bills and other adult responsibilities AND spend an hour every morning, every night, and a minimum of 8 hours on the weekend to develop your passion project.

At this rate, you will spend 18 hours a week and 72 hours a month of QUALITY time, not on your job, but on your future career.

There are few things in life that fire us up more than loving what you do daily.

I encourage you to commit 8 days to the 3 steps that can help direct your path.

3 Steps to Direct Your Path

  1. Wake up one hour earlier – you had better not hit the snooze button!!!
  2. Move in the morning – break a sweat for 20 or more minutes – your choice of movement
  3. Meditate for 5 minutes or more to start and end your day (Download Headspace app, I love it!)

You may be tempted to meditate before you move. I strongly advise against it. Why?

Many people who try to meditate first thing in the morning, fall back asleep and forget to direct their path for the day. There is incredible power in meditating after movement when you’re in a peak state of energy while your heart rate is elevated. This will be a game changer for you!

Closing Thoughts

To get to the place of loving what you do, first come from the place of having peace with what you have.

When you start to practice the 3 Points to Direct Your Path, you will be in the right position to figure out your “WHY”. Our “WHY” we do what we do helps define our direction and provides inspiration.

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